Monday, September 22, 2008

Confidence and Strength

I read an article in ForbesLife Executive Women about Cathie Black called "Why you can't save your way to success." In it are not-so-detailed instructions on how to be a successful business person (woman?). One line I really liked was this:

The way you carry yourself sends a message, and you want to portray confidence and strength.

If all people, including myself, lived by this slogan I think the world would be a better place - at least on the outside. I also learned by looking through this publication that successful women tend to be in pretty healthy shape. Cathie doesn't outline her diet, ;). It is inspiring to read about and see pictures of the highest paid women in the country. What a dream to one day be among such ranks? I'll keep dreaming, and from now on I'll portray confidence and strength while watching my calorie intake.

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