Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Study on Web Useability

I subscribe to the e-newsletter from Jakob Nielsen. He's a Web usability genius and leader in the industry for many many years. I got this exciting (but to me, obvious) news in my inbox today.


As 3 studies of journalists show, they use the Web as a major research
tool, exhibit high search dominance, and are impatient with bloated sites
that don't serve their needs or list a PR contact.

What does this tell us, PR people? EVERYTHING. To me, it reinforces my main point in this business, that your Web site is your BEST PR tool. So use it! Use it to your full advantage! At least this is what I'll be telling clients and working toward for the rest of my working life.

For more on the study: http://www.nngroup.com/events

Friday, January 9, 2009

My Dad got my computer up and running. I'm going to start working on a site for my sister's photography and photo editing. We sat down and planned out how we want it to look and what we want it to do, drew it all up on paper. Now I just have to make it beautiful and digital.

I have found some good Web site building help sites. This one is my favorite. http://www.tutvid.com/ The guy shows you how to do all the steps in Flash. Not only that, he goes slowly enough and anticipates possible confusion that he explains as he goes. I want to learn the sparkly letter technique (because my sister wants that on her site) and the scrolling pictures technique (because it's awesome). And now my laptop should be running super fast so I can actually do things on it without waiting an entire minute between each click.

Itching to get to work.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Theories

Whitney’s Theories

On user-friendly interfaces:
Pretend there is no BACK button

On social media:
Be available to talk, even if you don’t talk all the time
People are online to look at pictures almost more than they are to network

On PR:
Know what’s going on at all times with all audiences who may have even an ounce of interest in you or your clients- yes, it’s a big job
Have a great Web site. It's the best PR tool.

On design:
If it’s ugly or unprofessional it’s not worth a second look.
No matter what, everything should be nice to look at- smooth, exciting, themed, clear, artistic. That goes for Web sites, books, presentations, essays, pictures, columns, comments, outfits, houses, cuisine, makeup … get the idea? This is my way of saying to do things 100%, especially if they are things other people are going to see.

On relationships:
Just think about what the other person is feeling. And ask every day "Am I being considerate?"
Then make them happy no matter what it takes.
They take work. Like homework. Put in the time, effort and thought and you'll do well. Don't fall behind or you'll get lost.

On family:
They are the ONLY people who will still be around at the end of the day. They are genetically programed to care. (in many cases, anyway)

On food:
Just eat it. Life's too short. But don't pig out.

On exercise:
So easy to imagine doing it, but so hard to actually put your shoes on.

On work:
You will like your job if you love the people you work with.
You only get one life, don't waste it on a job/people who are going to make it miserable.

On politics:
Work for what you want. Don't expect things, earn them. Pay attention. Plan for the future. Protect your interests. Give if you can afford it. Have an open mind.